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How to get to Beach Vico.

To get to the Cimina beach, after Ronciglione you have to take the indications for Bella Venere Hotel, direction along the lake, Caprarola side. Before the crossroads for Bella Venere, you will find the Rio Vicano hotel bar restaurant see link . Immediately after Rio Vicano, before the Enel Petroli petrol station, you have to turn right for the Vico Lake Reserve, La bella Venere, just before the petrol station as shown in the attached photo. After the small church of Santa Lucia , see photo , after 2 km you will find on your right the following gate. On the right external side of the gate you will find a push-button panel, where you will enter the password that was communicated to you when booking. The gate will open by itself. On the gate you will find the writing "EMY COUNTRY HOUSE " The same methods at the exit. At the end of the road , you will find the car park on the right. You can leave the car and head to the beach. To get to you can type on google map, "cottage beach vico" and you will find the driving directions! Otherwise this is the link:,12.200062/42.3258657,12.2014306/@42.3271827,12.1979982,777m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!4m1!3e2

Latitude and longitude 42.3262999, 12.2000620

The Enel Petroli gas station on the right of the Cimina road , and , on the left follow entrance to Lago di Vico Reserve,12.2019809,3a,75y,110.22h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1slDwcEB2RDj52wgBavOnnOw!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192!4m7!3m6!1s0x0:0x200f0a71b027bf99!8m2!3d42.305481!4d12.2021986!14m1!1BCgIgARICCAI

Church of Santa Lucia on the road to Lake Vico

Private beach entrance Cottage Beach Vico, Emy Country House

The keyboard at the entrance of the structure to access the private beach Emy Country House Cottage Beach Vico